Dear Younger Me, 

Love doesn’t always look the way you want it to look. Your heart wants words of love and affection and praise and affirmation to feel loved, and sometimes, that’s not what you’re given. Some of your treasured people in your life won’t be the best at actually speaking such words to you. But they show it in other ways. It’s easy to let yourself doubt their love until you look a little deeper. Even if not directly an affirmation of you, is there love behind their words? And maybe you didn’t ask for that gift, but appreciate that they wanted to give you something. So before you doubt, remind yourself to look deeper. And when you do receive those words you so long for, cherish them. Above all, just remember that though the love of others is imperfect, it is a gift from God to enjoy through the ones He has placed in your life, and that you truly are loved.   



Authored by Shine.FM on February 06, 2023.