Shine.FM Concerts & Events Coordinator Kyla (also one of my best friends!) shares words for her younger self this week! Her advice is gold, and I've watched her live this out and change the world around her! -Megan


Dear Younger Me,

Hold strong. When the weight of the world and the pressures of a comparison-based culture become too heavy, cling to the one who is unchanging. As followers of Christ, we are called to be counter-cultural, but this is much easier said than done. When you are tempted to compromise who you were created to be (at the expense of what the world claims you should be), take heart in knowing that God created us for goodness and wholeness despite the brokenness of this world.

That said, simply show love. This world doesn’t need another judge or referee to declare what and who is right or wrong…this world simply needs a little more love. Embody love to the best of your ability – continue smiling at strangers in passing, holding doors open for others, offering hugs where words fail, being present and intentional with your peers, and offering a listening ear when possible.

My final advice to you is to strive to be a world changer, not a girl who lets the world change her. Judgment-free love, unabashed kindness, and Christ-like compassion are revolutionary concepts on this side of heaven, and are simple ways that you can take steps to be a world changer. Hold strong, my dear, you have been called and equipped for great things.



Authored by Shine.FM on July 19, 2021.