Dear Younger Me, 

Try new things. Remember that week of your life when your motto was “Try something new every day!”? You set aside preconceived notions and just let yourself be excited to experience what you hadn’t before. And now, you’re also brave and adventurous (sometimes) with menus at a restaurant, being willing to pick a new meal that you haven’t had before. And some day, you have a desire to go skydiving. Yet sometimes, there are things in life you are afraid of, and the fear holds you back from experiencing what otherwise could bring you joy.  

Think about trying out for tennis. You’d never played the game before, hardly held a racquet, and yet you chose to try it. Can you remember if you were afraid? Can you remember if you were nervous? You might have been. Yet, what you will remember more is your desire to do it. And looking back, I can’t believe you weren’t more nervous to try out! Wouldn’t it be nice to approach every new thing like that? 

It’s surprising what can happen when you give what you’re afraid of a chance. You might find you like it, and you might find that it really wasn’t so bad like you imagined it to be. You might find yourself thinking, “Why didn’t I do this years ago?” And there’s a sense of accomplishment that comes when you face your fear, too.  



Authored by Shine.FM on January 31, 2022.