Dear Younger Me,

Be a steward of your money. Remember when you gathered your stuffed animals as a committee to strategize how you could earn more money? You thought maybe doing a garage sale could help you earn more funds to buy a laptop…I don’t think that committee actually led to any results, but you were excited to figure out how to earn money. Since then, you’ve saved and made purchases, some of which you regret, because they weren’t the best uses of your finances. You’re embarrassed to even talk about them. So, there are three things I want you to work on. First, let wisdom speak into your financial decisions. Really consider if this is a smart choice. Second, make the effort to return the items that don’t work so that you get your money back and you aren’t stuck with stuff you won’t use. Third, choose to end the services you don’t use anymore so you aren’t being charged. Again, that’s a matter of effort. How you use your money is a way to honor God, so let your decisions honor Him.



Authored by Shine.FM on August 14, 2023.