What sort of life do you live? I mean, how would you describe it?
Perhaps you love being busy, and a full schedule is your best way to function. You run around with the kids, involve yourself with ministries and activities, and are constantly on the move.
Or you’re the quieter type who doesn’t mind being at home. You have hobbies and friends but prefer a simple agenda and laid-back approach.
Maybe, too, you’re somewhere in between, being carried by the ebb and flow of life’s seasons. You adjust fluidly to change and embrace the next thing with open hands.
Whatever sort of life you lead, it’s unique to you. No matter if you’re a parent, employee, member of a board or council, neighbor, leader, student, friend, or professional—wherever you are and whatever you do is an assignment God gave to just you. It’s your opportunity to worship Him.
In doing so, we come to know Him deeper and have the privilege of making Him known to other people.
Sometimes we think—at least, I do—that a call from God is grandiose, moving, even overwhelming. We sense the stir in our inner being and respond with drastic life changes. It certainly can be that way.
But not always.
For every life committed to Christ, God reserves a duty. He calls us with purpose and saves us with intention, drawing us to obey Him in the various ways He arranges.
I have always read in the Bible about the diversity of the body of Christ and the uniqueness of each of God’s children. But not until recently have I begun to recognize and participate in the ongoing, communal effort to build God’s Kingdom and exalt His name.
I am greatly encouraged by this because I often feel insignificant. Maybe you do too. In the big picture, are we actually accomplishing anything? Do our everyday offerings of hard work and sacrifice affect anything?
Yes. Yes, they do. A lot.
It is the faithful life that merits great reward. And God has graciously given us His Word to daily guide our lives. What pleases the Lord? That which is done in secret for His glory, an honorable life, the ways of righteousness.
Simply living for Him where we are is His call for us. The Lord can do whatever seems right to Him with our lives when we devote ourselves to Him and seek His will. We trust in His mighty, merciful hand that is always working on our behalf.
God’s Provision: God gives us Himself! He is perfectly sufficient to provide every necessity and dispel every doubt. “The fear of the LORD,” Proverbs 1:7 tells us, “is the beginning of knowledge.” But “fools despise wisdom and instruction” (ESV). Paying attention to Him produces joyful obedience and establishes genuine purpose for our lives.
Word of the Week: Clay. I love the image of gentle hands molding the course of our lives to suit His purpose for us. Nothing in God’s hands is neither purposeless nor wasted. What an invigorating way to live!
But now, O LORD, you are our Father;
we are the clay, and you are our potter;
we are all the work of your hand.
– Isaiah 64:8, ESV
May you and I walk in the clarity and confidence of God’s holy purpose.



Authored by Abby Bennett on August 10, 2022.